Diploma in Pharmacy or D.Pharma. is a diploma course that has been designed to help candidates to work under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist in hospitals, community pharmacies, and other related pharmaceutical fields. It is a basic level certificate program with basic level education about Pharmacy.
It is a 2-year diploma course that enables students to gain adequate knowledge about pharmacy and related disciplines. D Pharma covers subjects such as Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Metrology, Human Anatomy, Nutritional Health, Communicable diseases etc.
D.Pharmacy Syllabus | Latest D. Pharm Syllabus
Diploma in Pharmacy course is designed for students with the necessary skills and grasping academic knowledge for entry-level positions in retail pharmacies as well as pharmaceutical companies. D.Pharma. The course essentially provides an overview of the theory and various principles and practices involved in the science of pharmacy.
D.Pharmacy Syllabus: Description
Subjects of study along with a description for Year I is given below:
D.Pharm Syllabus For Pharmaceutics I
- Introduction to different dosage forms
- Metrology
- Packaging of pharmaceuticals
- Size separation by Shifting
- Clarification and Filtration
D.Pharm Syllabus For Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1
- Acids, Bases and Buffers
- Antioxidants
- Gastrointestinal Agents
- Topical Agents
- Dental Products
- Definition, History and Scope
- Pharmaceutical Aids
- Various systems of Classification of Drugs and Natural Origin
- Adulteration and drug evaluation
D.Pharm Syllabus For Biochemistry Clinical Pathology
- Introduction to Biochemistry
- Carbohydrates
- Lipids
- Vitamins
- Enzymes
- Therapeutics
D.Pharm Syllabus For Human Anatomy Physiology
- Scope of Anatomy and Physiology
- Elementary Tissues
- Skeletal Systems
- Cardiovascular Systems
- Respiratory Systems
- Muscular Systems
D.Pharm Syllabus For Health Education Community Pharmacy
- Concept of Health
- Nutrition and Health
- First Aid
- Environment and Health
- Fundamental Principles of Microbiology
- Communicable Diseases
D.Pharm Syllabus For 2nd Year
Subjects of study along with a description for Year II is given below
D.Pharm Syllabus For Pharmaceutics 2
- Reading and Understanding Prescriptions
- Study of Various types of Incompatibilities
- Posology
- Dispensed Medications
- Types of Powders
- Lipids and Dosage forms
D.Pharm Syllabus For Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2
- Introduction to Nomenclature of Organic Chemical Systems
- Antiseptics and Disinfectants
- Antileprotic Drugs
- Antibiotics
- Hypnotics
D.Pharm Syllabus For Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Introduction to Pharmacology
- Scope of Pharmacology
- Drugs: Their Advantages and Disadvantages
- General Mechanism of Drug Action
- Drugs acting on the Central Nervous System
D.Pharm Syllabus For Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence
- Origin and Nature ofPharmaceutical Legislation in India
- Principles and Significance of Professional Ethics
- Pharmacy Act, 1948
- The Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940
- The Drugs and Magic Remedies Act, 1954
D.Pharm Syllabus For Drug Store Business Management
- Introduction
- Drug House Management
- Sales
- Recruitment and Training
- Banking and Finance
- Introduction to Accounting
D.Pharm Syllabus For Hospital Clinical Pharmacy
- Definition, Function and Classification of Hospitals
- Hospital Pharmacy
- The Drug Distribution System in the Hospital
- Manufacturing
- Drug Information Service
- Introduction to Clinical Pharmacy
- Modern Dispensing Aspects
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